How To Stay Awake When Driving Long Distance

Driving long distances can be a tiring and challenging task, especially when you’re traveling alone. Falling asleep behind the wheel is a serious issue that can result in accidents, injuries, and even death. As a driver, staying awake and alert during long journeys is essential. The following tips will help you stay alert while traveling long distances. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your journey is safe and enjoyable.

1.     Get A Good Night’s Sleep Before Your Trip


The first step in staying awake during a long drive is ensuring you are well-rested before getting behind the wheel. A good night’s sleep will help you feel refreshed and alert, making staying focused on the road easier.

2.     Take Breaks Once Or Twice


Taking breaks every few hours can help you stay alert and refreshed during long drives. Stop at rest areas or gas stations to stretch your legs, take a quick walk, and get fresh air. This can help to prevent fatigue and keep you alert throughout your journey. Still, if you feel tired, book a room to rest more, and then go to bed.


3.     Drink plenty of water

Dehydration can cause drowsiness and lethargy. So staying hydrated is necessary during your long drive. Be sure to consume lots of water and avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can dehydrate you. Being healthy and keeping awake are two benefits of drinking lots of water when driving. Consume enough fluids throughout the day, especially when driving long distances.

4.     Play Music


Listening to music or audiobooks can help you stay alert and focused while driving. Choose upbeat music or an engaging audiobook to keep your mind active and prevent drowsiness. The way the brain functions is that it’s necessary to be awake when you are exhausted. Thus you need to engage your brain. It is commonly said that driving with loud music lowers fatigue and boosts mood, resulting in less tension and more focus on the highway or road.

5.     Sucking Lollies or Chewing Gums


You can stay awake by chewing lollies or gum. It is because chewing improves your jaw muscles and tongue and helps you stay attentive. While driving for extended periods without stopping, sucking on toffies, lollies, or chewing gum will keep your mouth occupied and keep you from becoming bored. It can help you control cravings when all you want is something sweet, which is beneficial if you have a sugar craving. To avoid jitters in sugar-sensitive people, limit your daily intake to no more than two pieces.


6.     Take Turns Driving


Taking turns driving is a great way to stay alert and reduce the risk of accidents caused by fatigue. It’s important to remember that driving while tired is as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

When taking turns driving, it’s crucial to establish a schedule that works for both drivers. Make sure to plan for rest stops and breaks along the way to ensure that both drivers have a chance to relax and recharge.

It’s also a good idea to avoid driving during times when you would typically be sleeping. It helps ensure that you’re well-rested and alert when it’s your turn to drive.

7.     Use Air Conditioning


Keeping the air conditioning on can help to keep you alert and prevent drowsiness. A cool, comfortable temperature can help you stay focused and attentive on the road. You are more prone to develop mild pneumonia if it becomes too chilly and your body temperature falls below 35 degrees Celsius. Keep in mind to maintain the proper degree of air conditioning because you’ll start to feel drowsy, and you might start to lose some of your senses.

8.     Use Caffeine Wisely


Caffeine can be an effective tool for staying awake during long drives. Driving performance can be dramatically impacted by eating well and staying hydrated. It’s a good idea to consume plenty of water and energy drinks like Red Bull or Monster before and throughout a long journey, especially if staying awake is outside your hands. According to studies, the caffeine in coffee boosts alertness and enhances the ability to focus. 120 mg of caffeine, or two espresso shots, are in a 230 ml cup of coffee.

Too much caffeine can make you jittery and increase your heart rate, which can be dangerous while driving. You should use it in moderation, then.

9.     Avoid Driving During The Night

Driving during the night can be more dangerous and increase the risk of accidents caused by drowsy driving. Plan your trip so that you drive during the day when it’s easier to stay alert and focused.

10.Take A Nap


If you’re feeling drowsy, pull over in a safe location and take a quick nap. Even a short nap can help to refresh your mind and prevent accidents caused by drowsy driving.

11.Snack On Something Light


Eating something light and healthy, like fruits or nuts, can help keep your energy levels up without causing a sugar crash.

Fruits provide natural sugars for quick energy and are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while nuts contain healthy fats, protein, and fiber to help you feel full and satisfied. Here are some examples of fruits and nuts you can snack on:

  • Apples, bananas, oranges, berries, grapes, and kiwis are great quick and easy fruit snacks.
  • Almonds, cashews, pistachios, and walnuts are all nutritious nuts that can be enjoyed alone or combined with other ingredients like dried fruits or yogurt.

12.Eat Chunks Of Ice


While driving, let an ice cube melt in your mouth. Many truck drivers who regularly travel large distances believe chewing on ice cubes keeps them alert while driving.

13.Switch On A Light


If possible, switch on the dome light. Be sure it doesn’t become a major distraction, though. It’s also a tip from truck drivers. They have long adopted a method to keep alert when driving long distances, which involves turning on a small light.

14.Driving With A Talkative Passenger

Whenever you are on a long drive, constantly looking at the roadside sometimes gives you a breath of sleep which is dangerous. You can have a severe accident in just seconds. So, it’s better to have a companion or friend on the other seat to keep talking with you. In this way, you can be distracted from sleep and kept busy in a conversation. You need a driver’s license-holding companion to take over on long journeys. But, they aren’t the best company to have when you’re driving because they usually also need to rest or get on sleep.

What is your best option? It’s a friend who will talk nonstop and share minute-by-minute details of their entire week’s activities with you. You won’t sleep, we promise, because of this pal.

15.Take No Medicine


Steer clear of coffee, antidepressants, and other Common medications. At first, these meds give a feeling of being more awake, but later on, they might leave you exhausted in the long run. You can become sleepy using prescription medicines, such as allergy treatments. It can be hazardous to combine these and alcohol. So, better to be safe than sorry!




In conclusion, driving long distances can be challenging, but with proper planning and precautions, you can stay awake and alert on the road. Remember to take breaks regularly, stay hydrated, eat healthy snacks, play music, use caffeine wisely, avoid driving at night, and nap if necessary. By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.