How are side view mirrors supposed to be positioned
When most people think about setting their side view mirrors, they think about the main mirror on the driver’s side. However, it is important to set both mirrors correctly.
The side view mirrors give you a wider field of view, which can help you see other cars and potential hazards.
If your mirrors are not set properly, you may miss something in your blind spot. This can lead to accidents or near-misses. To avoid this, take a few minutes to adjust your mirrors before you start driving.
It is also important to clean your side view mirrors regularly. If they are dirty, they will not give you a clear view of what is behind you.
Make sure to wipe them down with a clean cloth whenever they start to get cloudy.
When you’re driving, properly adjusted side view mirrors give you a full range of visibility to help you see other vehicles, as well as pedestrians and obstacles, on the road.
It’s important to check your side view mirrors before you start driving and make any necessary adjustments.
But how do you set the side view mirror? Here’s a guided ritual to help you next time you get in your car.
Step 1: Know your Car’s Blind Spots
When it comes to knowing your car’s blind spots, the first step is understanding how your side view mirrors work.
Most people know that by moving their mirrors out, they can see behind them better. However, what many don’t realize is that the car’s blind spot is actually directly behind the driver’s headrest.
To properly adjust your mirrors, start by sitting in the driver’s seat and placing your head against the headrest. Then, move your mirror out until you can just see the back of your car in it.
You may need to experiment with this a bit to find the perfect setting, but once you do, you’ll be able to see any cars that are in your blind spot.
Step 2: Adjust your Driver’s Side Mirror
When you’re in the driver’s seat, sit up straight and lean your head toward the window. You should be able to see the side of your car in the mirror. If you can’t see the side of your car, adjust the mirror until you can.
Next, adjust the driver’s side mirror so you can just barely see the side of your car. If you can see more than that, then the mirror is adjusted too far out. If you can barely see the side of your car, then the mirror is adjusted too far in.
Step 3: Adjust your Passenger’s Side Mirror
Most people know they should adjust their driver’s side mirror before they start driving. But what about the passenger’s side mirror? You should adjust that one too! Here’s how:
Start by sitting in the driver’s seat and closing the door. Then, lean your head toward the window and look at the reflection in the passenger’s side mirror. You should see part of your car in the mirror.
Next, adjust the mirror until you can see just a sliver of your car. This will give you the widest possible view behind you.
Remember to readjust your mirrors when you get in and out of your car, so you always have a clear view.
Do not rely on your mirrors alone! Always turn around and look behind you to make sure no one is in your blind spot.
Step 4: Test your Mirrors
Assuming you’ve already completed the first three steps in adjusting your side view mirrors, it’s now time for step four: testing your mirrors.
You’ll want to do a few things to make sure you have a clear view behind and to the sides of your vehicle.
First, back your car out of its parking spot slowly while checking both mirrors. Make sure there are no large blind spots. Next, drive down the road and check your mirrors every few seconds to see cars coming up from behind or passing you on the side.
It’s also important to know how to use your mirrors when making turns. As you’re coming up to a turn, check your mirror on the side of the turn to see if any cars are trying to pass you. If so, let them go before you make your turn.
It’s also smart to look over your shoulder to check for cars before you make a turn.
It’s important to keep your hands on the wheel at all times when driving. You should never be reaching for anything, whether that’s a coffee cup, sunglasses or the radio. If you have to reach for something, take your eyes off the road to do it.
That’s why it’s important to keep most of the controls on the steering wheel.
Why properly adjusted mirrors are important
Most car mirrors are not properly adjusted, which can lead to dangerous blind spots. Here are 5 reasons why it’s important to have properly adjusted mirrors:
- You need to be able to see clearly out of all your mirrors in order to drive safely.
A clear view out of all mirrors while driving is essential for safety. All too often, drivers fail to properly adjust their mirrors before setting out on the road. This can lead to serious accidents.
To avoid this, take the time to adjust your mirrors before you start driving. Make sure you can see clearly out of all four sides of your car. This will give you the best possible view of other vehicles and obstacles on the road.
- Properly adjusted mirrors help you judge distances when you’re backing up or changing lanes.
When you’re driving, it’s important to be able to see as much as possible around your car. That way, you can avoid accidents and make sure you’re staying in your lane. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure your side view mirrors are properly adjusted.
If your mirrors aren’t properly adjusted, it can be hard to judge distances when you’re backing up or changing lanes. This can lead to accidents, so it’s important to take the time to adjust your mirrors correctly
- Improperly adjusted mirrors can give you a distorted view of the traffic behind you, which could lead to road rage or other problems.
To avoid problems arising from distorted view, it is important to adjust your car mirrors properly.
First, adjust the driver’s side mirror so that you can see the entire rear window. Then, adjust the passenger’s side mirror so that you can see the side of the car. Also, don’t forget to adjust the rear view mirror so that you have a clear view of the traffic behind you.
Final Thoughts
Setting your side view mirrors correctly can be the difference between life and death in some situations.
In a study done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it was found that about 1,700 people are killed, and 500,000 are injured every year in accidents that could have been prevented if the driver had just set their mirrors correctly.
This means that you could save yourself and your passengers from getting hurt by just setting your mirrors correctly.
So to avoid any accidents from happening, make sure you know how to set your side view mirrors correctly.
Next time you get in your car, take a few extra seconds to adjust your mirrors. It could end up saving your life.