Should I fold my mirrors

Why you should fold your mirrors?

When you’re parallel parking or driving in tight spaces, folding in your side view mirrors can give you the extra inches you need to avoid a costly collision. Here’s why you should make a habit of folding your mirrors every time you park.


Folding in your side view mirrors not only protects them from getting hit by other cars, but it also helps you avoid hitting objects yourself. When you have your mirrors folded in, you have a better view of your surroundings and can easily see if there’s anything in your way.

Broken Side View Mirror

It may seem like a small thing, but taking the time to fold in your mirrors can save you a lot of money and hassle in the long run. So next time you park, be sure to take a few seconds to fold in your mirrors since it could mean the difference between a close call and an accident. 


The dangers of not folding your mirrors 

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t think it’s necessary to fold in your side view mirrors when you park, you may want to reconsider. Here are a few dangers of not folding your mirrors that you should be aware of.


One danger of not folding your mirrors is that they’re more likely to get hit by another car. This is especially true if you park in a crowded parking lot. If your mirror does get hit, it could break, which would not only be costly to repair but could also cause an accident if the driver behind you isn’t paying attention and hits your car.

Side View Mirror

Another danger of not folding your mirrors is that they’re more likely to get stolen. This is because thieves know that they can easily smash the mirror and take it without being noticed. 


If your car is parked in a parking lot or on the street, it’s more likely that your mirrors will get stolen. If your car is parked in a garage, there’s only one way that thieves can get to your mirrors: by breaking through the window or wall.

Leaving your side view mirrors unfolded when you park is an open invitation for them to be knocked off, broken, or otherwise damaged. Here are five top dangers of not folding your side view mirrors when parking:


  1. Your side view mirrors are more susceptible to being hit by other cars.


  1. Your side view mirrors are more likely to be hit by flying debris.


  1. Your side-view mirrors are more likely to be vandalized.


  1. Your side view mirrors could get caught on something and break.


  1. You could end up with a hefty repair bill if your side view mirror is damaged while parked. 


How to Fold the Side View Mirror?

Folding side-view mirrors is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. 

Here is a detailed guide on how to fold your car’s side view mirrors:


  1. Park your car in a safe location and turn off the engine.


  1. Locate the folding lever on each of your car’s side view mirrors. The location of the lever will vary depending on your car’s make and model.


  1. Use your fingers to push or pull the folding lever until the mirror is flush against the door panel.


  1. Repeat steps 2-3 for the other side view mirror.


  1. You may want to test that the mirrors are properly folded by opening and closing your car door. The mirrors should not move when you do this. 


The method of folding car side view mirrors might vary from car to car. Please consult your car’s owner manual for further details. 

Make sure the mirrors are clean and there’s no debris or dirt that can obstruct the folding of the mirror and can cause damage to the mirror.


The Benefits of Folding your Mirrors 

Folding your mirrors has many benefits. It helps you save space, keeps your mirrors clean, and protects your mirrors from damage.


When you fold your mirrors, they take up less space. This is especially helpful if you have a small car or if you need to park in a tight spot. Folding your mirrors also helps to keep them clean. Dust and dirt can build up on the surface of your mirrors, making it difficult to see clearly. When you fold your mirrors, dust and dirt are less likely to get on the glass.

Folding your mirrors can also protect them from damage. If you accidentally hit something while driving, the force of the impact can break your mirror. By folding your mirror, you reduce the risk of breaking it. Folding your mirrors can also help you see around obstacles. For example, if you are driving in a tight parking lot, folding your side mirrors can help you see around other parked cars.


When you’re driving, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. One way to do this is by folding in your car’s side view mirrors when you’re not using them. Here are five benefits of folding your car’s side view mirrors:


  1. It can help prevent damage to the mirrors.
  2. It can give you a better view of what’s behind you.
  3. It can help reduce wind noise.
  4. It can make your car more aerodynamic.
  5. It can save you money on fuel costs. 


Even though it is possible to fold your side mirrors manually, you should never do this. This is because you can damage them. Instead, you should use a power folding mirror. The best power folding mirrors are easy to install and fold your mirrors automatically. This is much safer than manually folding your mirrors. 


Do all Car Mirrors Fold in? 

Most car mirrors can be folded in manually by the driver or passenger. However, some newer models have mirrors that fold in automatically when the car is turned off. The reason for this feature is to prevent the mirrors from being damaged or broken when the car is parked in a tight space.


Most cars have side view mirrors, which are typically convex mirrors. They are positioned so the driver can see what is behind and to the sides of the car.

Sideview mirrors can be controlled manually or automatically. Some newer cars have cameras in place of side view mirrors. These cameras can be controlled by the driver. The cameras are used to capture a wide view of the area behind and around the car, so the driver does not have to turn his or her head too much in order to see what is happening behind him or her. In this case, the mirrors are used to assist in parking the car when it is parallel parked.


When Mirrors don’t need to be folded 

A car’s side-view mirrors are designed to give the driver a view of the traffic behind and to the side of the vehicle. The mirrors are usually positioned so that they can be seen in the driver’s peripheral vision. However, there are some cases where the mirrors don’t need to be folded.


One such case is when the car is parked in a garage or other enclosed space. There is no need to have the mirrors unfolded in this situation because there is no traffic around the car. Another case where the mirrors don’t need to be unfolded is when the car is being driven in an urban area with little or no traffic.


In these situations, it may be beneficial to leave the mirrors unfolded so that the driver has a better view of what is going on around them. 


Conclusion: always fold your mirrors! 

A car’s side view mirror is one of its most important safety features. When properly adjusted, it gives the driver a clear view of what is behind and to the side of the vehicle. However, mirrors can be easily damaged, and when they are, they can become a serious safety hazard.

Most accidents involving side-view mirrors happen when the mirrors are not properly folded in. When you park your car, always take a few seconds to check that your mirrors are folded in tight. This will help prevent them from being knocked off by another car or by high winds.

If your side view mirror does get damaged, don’t try to drive without it. Not only is it illegal in most states, but it’s also extremely dangerous.