25 Fun Road Trip Games

Do you have any upcoming road trips planned with family or close friends? If so, you may become bored in the car while driving. This makes it necessary to have a few go-to road trip games. Whether you have a brief or extended road trip, they may instantly make any journey more entertaining and joyful.

To make your journey better and more exciting, let’s discuss some fantastic fun games for your trip to the roadside. Listed here are 25 games perfect for road trips. There are guessing, memory, singing, and vintage automobile games. They will all, however, give you a ton of entertainment and allow you to pass the time while driving. Don’t worry if you’re traveling with children; we’ve even got some games they’ll like.

You need not worry about how you’ll pass the time on your next road trip because you can enjoy the car games listed below. At least a handful of the games will be your favorites. Most road trip games also allow longer play, which is another excellent feature.


1. A Tale In One Sentence


You will tell a tale in this game one sentence at a time. The trick is that once the story is completed, every person in the car adds a sentence. There are always new stories to hear, so it’s a fun way to pass the time.

2. The Category Game


Pick a category, like a celebrity, people, drink names, animals, etc. Give each person a chance to name something under that category. You are out of the game if you cannot think of anything. You can make it more challenging by asking that the initial letter is in alphabetical sequence.

3. Hangman


On your trip, bring a notebook to play hangman. Everyone gets a turn coming up with a word. Create a word and then make a blank space for each letter. Every player can take a turn guessing the letters that will make up the word to complete it. Draw a portion of the “hangman” if a player makes a poor guess. Before drawing the complete “hangman,” players should try to guess the word.

4. Two Truths and a Lie


Consider two true and one false statement. Everyone in the group must decide which one is false after telling them. Take turns and have fun. It is one of the best car games for young children to enjoy.

5. Twenty Questions


Think about a person, location, or object. Every person on the road trip alternately replies with a yes or no, trying to guess what it is. The first person to guess right after 20 questions wins.

To make things simpler, reduce the options. To play this game, using famous people is a great idea!

6. What Color Is It?


This game will be fun to play with your children. Identical-colored objects are named by each player in turn. If you choose the color blue, for example, you can mention the sky, the sea, a sapphire, a peacock, etc. If no one can identify the color, keep calling things.

7. Name That Song Game


Sing a song’s words out loud in turns. The rest of the group then tries to identify the song’s title or composer. All ages can enjoy this game very much.

Another choice is to play a brief song clip on the stereo, prompting everyone to name the song as quickly as possible.

8. In My Suitcase


This game needs concentration because it is all about memorization. Start the game by having one participant say, “I’m taking a holiday, and in my suitcase, I’m packing. The first person mentions any item must repeat it and add another item. After then, the player after them must repeat what the players before them said. The misbehaved player is eliminated.

9. Movie Story Details Game


Someone thinks of a movie. Then let the other passengers guess what movie they are talking about by describing the movie’s storyline best. This game can also be a good one for a road trip.

10. Tic-Tac-Toe


Everyone loves this traditional game. Use car-friendly markers to create a tic-tac-toe board on your windshield to make it more vehicle-friendly. Afterward, try to get three by placing Xs and Os on the board. Use a damp wipe to clean the board once you’re finished, then start over.

11. The Game of Groceries


Purchasing an item at the grocery shop is the subject of this easy game. Then it’s everyone’s turn to guess the object after asking a question. Say, “Is that a kind of sauce?” then think about what it is. When a guess is accurate, the game ends! The winner will choose the next item.

12. The Banana Game


Yellow is the inspiration for the game’s name. So, everybody who sees a yellow car must yell out “banana.” the first person to shout it out after spotting it will get the point.

13. Bingo

Bingo is an ever-favorite game. Carry these travel bingo cards with you and mark each item you see on your card as you drive by it. The first person to score five straight wins!

14. Whoever Spots It First Wins


To play this easy game, come up with something everyone will try to find. A fast-food restaurant or a brand shop is two examples. Whoever spots first is the winner.

15. Never Have I Ever


The game includes holding up your fingers, so everyone except the driver can play. Hold up five fingers for everyone to play. Next, take turns saying a thing you’ve never done. They put down a finger if someone else has done what you described. Whoever raises their finger last wins

16. Padiddle


This game will be fantastic to play if you are driving at night. Scream “Padiddle” if you see a vehicle with only one headlight. The winner is the first one to shout it.

17. Quote Guessing Game


Give each other a quote from a movie or television show and try to identify it. The next person to correctly guess the quote gets to say it. To make the game more entertaining, you may attempt to mimic the character who said the quotes or speak with an accent.

18. Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition 

Why not host a game of rock, paper, scissors if your car is full? Choose your attack after striking your hand three times with your fist. Form a fist for a rock, a flat hand for the paper, and an extended index and middle finger for scissors.

19. Jokes For Road Trips


If a game gets boring, crack a joke to entertain. Read some humorous road trip tricks to kill time and stop the backseat passengers from asking incessantly, “When will we reach?

20. Sweet Or Sour?


Kids will adore this game. Have each player wave at onlookers in nearby cars alternately. If the people in that automobile wave back, they are kind, and you win the argument. And, if they do not wave around, they are rude, and you lose points. See who can reach ten points first.

21. Music Contest

The minimum number of players for this game is three. The judge selects a musical style. The two finalists must then choose and play their favorite song from that genre. The judge will choose the best song in each round to decide the winner!

22. Bridges and Tunnels


You can play this game the whole way through your car trip. Everyone in the car should hold their breath whenever they pass under a bridge or a tunnel. Whoever can hold it the longest gains points. While you travel, keep note of your points and add them up.

23. Did You Hear?


This road trip quiz game focuses on finding out if somebody is telling the truth. Ask everyone in the car one question at a time, but begin them all with “Did you hear…” The other players must then judge if the statement is fair or not.

24. Hot Seat

Each passenger in the car turns into the “hot seat.” The other passengers can ask the “hot seat” person five questions. They must respond to every question, but they can reject one. Make the questions harder in each round.

25. Game of Map Search


Try to pinpoint a remote location on a road map. Start a 60-second timer and pass the map to a fellow traveler. Before time runs out, the other passenger must attempt to locate the location on a map!



For an entertaining and joyful road trip, engaging yourself and your kids in activities like informative, guessing, memorizing, and spotting games is better. This makes your brain remain active and refreshed throughout the journey. Even the time will pass faster, and you will reach your destination enjoying, playing, and having lots of fun. So, make your trip fun by following our list of fun games. Have a nice trip!